Saturday 7 May 2011

Proof of existence of Soul

This is the most convincing argument about the existence of Soul that I have read. 
Hypothesis:  When man is dead, the soul yet exists and has force of intelligence.

Proof:  Ideas of opposites such as good x evil, just x unjust, greater x lesser, hot x cold, weak x strong generate from one another. 
Life is the opposite of death, just as sleeping is opposite of waking.  Waking is generated from sleeping and vice-versa.  Similarly death as all of us know is generated from life.
=> life is generated from death; let it be called revival i.e. birth of dead into world of living.

If this is held true then souls of deceased must be held in some place before being born.
If its assumed that living do not spring from dead, then all living shall come from other than what is dead. We know that everything that lives dies.  The process of life from what is 'other than dead' continues till the time the reservoir of 'other than dead' is exhausted.  This means that everything will be converted into dead after some time, which is not the case.  

Hypothesis: Soul is immortal

Proof:  Knowledge is simple recollection (proof here)
We had this knowledge at birth or learnt by remembering after birth.
=>our souls acquired this knowledge before birth
=>souls existed before birth in the form of men(/animals/living things) without bodies and must have had intelligence.

That soul exists after birth is known, but does it exist after death?

The abstractions of ideas or essences are unchangeable with time and are unseen, and immortal.  The objects which partake in the ideas are seen, changeable and perishable.  Similarly body is seen and changeable with time.  Soul is more similar to the unseen and unchangeable.  Truth of existence or nature of existence can only be known through the medium of ideas.

Inherence of which the body is rendered alive is the soul.  
=> Soul brings life to anything which it possesses
-Death is the opposite of life
=>Soul never allows death to anything it possesses
=>Soul never admits death
=>Soul is immortal
-The nature of immortality is that of which cant perish.
Therefore immortality is imperishable.
=>Soul when attacked by death cant perish.
Therefore soul is immortal and imperishable.
Immortal is that which is eternal => it cant perish.
=>Essential form of life, and immortality will never perish.

Therefore when death attacks a man, the mortal portion of him dies, but the immortal portion goes out of the way of death and is preserved.

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