Saturday, 14 May 2011

Some Socratic Definitions

Good= That which is expedient for man

Virtue= Knowledge

Elements of Virtue= Wisdom, courage, temperance, and justice

Knowledge= The true thoughts that are recovered/recollected from our soul, when it has the realisation that it is in a state of ignorance, through a process of questioning.

Pure Love= Imparting of knowledge

Friendship= Love which by reason of the presence of evil, -the neither good nor evil has of the good, either in the soul, or in the body, or anywhere.

Hope= Good or cessation of evil of the future

Courage= Knowledge of the fearful and hopeful

Figure= The only thing which always follows colour = that in which the solid ends (limit of solid)

Colour= Effluence of form, commensurate with sight and palpable to sense.

Envy= Pleasure which we feel at the misfortune or ignorance of our friends/enemies and is a pain of the soul.

Pleasure= That 'generation(opposed to destruction)' without true being which takes place for the sake of the essence of Good. 

Rhetoric= Universal art of enchanting the mind by arguments in courts, public assemblies, private houses etc. having to do with all matters.

Praise= Insincere expression of men uttering falsehoods contrary to their conviction.

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